Diversity and Equality Statement

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Aphobos CrossFit Equality and Diversity Statement

Aphobos CrossFit is of the strong belief that opportunities should be open to all and are actively committed to providing a professional, friendly service that embraces inclusivity, diversity and the promotion of equality of opportunity.

Aphobos CrossFit recognises its responsibilities under the “Equality Act 2010” to eliminate unlawful discrimination in all aspects of its activities as an employer and fitness service provider.

As a Company, our goal is to ensure that these commitments are reinforced by the ethics and values that we have embedded in our day to day working practices with our gym members, visitors, members of the public and colleagues. 

Aphobos CrossFit strives to:

  • Provide equality of opportunity to all the users of our gym to participate at all levels as either a customer using our facility for the first time or a gym member who uses our facility on a regular basis.
  • Not discriminate on grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, nationality, religion or belief.
  • Develop a culture within our facility that both enables and values the involvement of all, embedding and promoting principles of both equality and fairness.
  • Provide a service in a way that is both fair to everyone and ensures that all customers and employees are not disadvantaged in any way.

This will be achieved by:

  • Promoting equality of opportunity of all the users of our facility through the services we provide.
  • Creating an environment which is both professional and friendly for all our gym members and any other visitors to the gym.
  • Monitoring customer participation and feedback in order to identify and develop any areas of opportunity.
  • Ensuring all employees and contractors of Aphobos CrossFit are provided with the relevant training in regards to both equality and diversity.

Our Action Plan will involve:

  • Our Management team, staff and coaches will be invited to attend an Equality & Diversity training course.
  • Our apprenticeship and coach development programmes will include a section on Equality & Diversity.
  • Our coaches and staff handbooks will include a section on Equality & Diversity.
  • Our Equality & Diversity statement and training will be reviewed annually.

Our priorities are:

  • Deliver fitness services that are accessible, inclusive and responsive to the needs of the local community.
  • Raise awareness of equality issues and tackle prejudices both internally and externally.
  • Attract, recruit, retain and progress a diverse range of staff and users of our fitness services in a culture which celebrates diversity and inclusion.
  • Programmes and training to ensure staff and users of our fitness services are treated with fairness, dignity and respect.

If you have any further queries or questions, or would like to comment on our Equality and Diversity Policy, please write to signup@aphoboscrossfit.com.
